This year, there has been quite a few Gujarati promotions in the city, including one at Hyatt Gachibowli. However Navratri celebrations is a time when many food lovers turn vegetarian, and thus it is the right time to showcase the vegetarian dishes from Gujarati cuisine. Taj Krishna has tied up with Gujarat Tourism to organize Chalo Jamva, a Gujarati food promotion at Firdaus till September 30, both for lunch and dinner.
27 Sept 2017
21 Sept 2017
The Hot N Juicy Kabab Festival at Paradise Restaurant
Paradise, the iconic restaurant chain from Hyderabad is on an expansion spree. The restaurant has set up its outlets in six cities by now, the latest being Gurugram a few weeks back. With rapid expansion, the restaurant is also augmenting its menu, both in terms of adding new dishes as well as organizing food festivals. After the successful Zafrani Biryani Festival (Read about it here) a few months back, the restaurant chain is now back with Hot N Juicy Kabab Festival, an annual event which is in its third edition already.
19 Sept 2017
Flechazo Comes to Hyderabad with its MediterrAsian Buffet
Buffets with huge spreads have always been popular in Hyderabad. Variations in it like the barbeque on the table or innovative live counters have all been lapped up by the locals. Flechazo, which has opened a large buffet place in Hitech City, is the new kid on the block. After a very successful run in Bangalore, this is the second outlet from the restaurant chain.
17 Sept 2017
A Tale of Two Chinese Breakfasts in Kolkata
For the last few decades Tangra (also known as Chinatown) has been the go-to place for Chinese food in Kolkata, but when you mention Chinese breakfast to any Calcuttan, the word that is blurted out is usually Territi Bazar. A few years back, the pork soup, spring rolls, momos and other steamed delicacies served early in the morning here were absolute winners, and I was especially in love with the pork versions. However, over the years, food lovers lament about the falling standards of the offerings there.
15 Sept 2017
The Bengali Food Festival Returns to Hotel Siesta
There are two seasons for Bengali Food Festivals in Hyderabad – one around the Bengali New Year (See: Food Festivals during Bengali New Year) and the other just before Durga Puja. In the latter period, the food lovers of Hyderabad eagerly look forward to the Bengali food Festival at Hotel Siesta – now in its third year - which provides a sumptuous buffet at a very attractive price point (Read about the festival in 2016).