25 Feb 2020

Initiatives Showcasing Cuisines from the Two Telugu states

One of the recent hot trends in the Indian food industry has been a renewed interest in Regional Cuisines. India is a huge country, with the population of many states as big as some countries itself. The variations in food are so huge that dossiers can be written about the food of any state. As is said, food and language change every hundred kilometers, and thus the dishes of one end of a larger state is very different from that of the other end. In the same district, divergence is seen in the food of different communities, castes, and religions. Tribal food is another area altogether with recipes not even available in the public domain.

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15 Feb 2020

Speakeasy Bars Make Their Mark in Hyderabad

About a century ago in 1920, the government of the United States of America had imposed prohibition on its citizens all over the country. Liquor production, distribution, sale, and consumption were banned through an amendment to the constitution. However, the Americans loved their drinks and it was very difficult to enforce such a ban. Illegal liquor bars came up in many places to cater to the demand, and they became known as Speakeasy bars. The term “speakeasy” stood for whispering or speaking softly to avoid undue attention from the police.

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6 Feb 2020

Exploring Pork Dishes in Kolkata

While I am an avid consumer of all kinds of meat, pork occupies a special place in my heart. I believe that pork meat ranks absolutely on top of the varieties of non-vegetarian food with its soft meat and lots of lard adding taste to any recipe which you may use to prepare your dish. Unfortunately, my base in Hyderabad is not known for quality pork meat and added the religious sentiments of a large segment of the city, this variety of meat is largely ignored by restaurants here. As a result, whenever I visit any other location, especially Kolkata, I tend to satisfy my pining by trying out the latest restaurants which have made their mark for good pork dishes.

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